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Daten zu den Schweizer Bahnen 1847-1920
Universitätsstudium Verkehrswesen
Interdisciplinary Risk Center
Future Cities Laboratory
Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability
Frontiers in Transportation
Social Networks and Travel
International Association for Travel Behaviour Research
Multi-agent transport simulation-toolkit
A six-week travel diary
OpenTrack / OpenTimetable
Simulation von Eisenbahnsystemen und Fahrplananalyse
Position Data Processing
Processing of GPS Travel Diaries
A Trans-Discplinary Multi-Dimensional Simulation
Swiss Transport Research Conference
Switzerland Animation
Schweizer Verkehrsatlas
DisP, ETR, EURO, European Transport, Internationales Verkehrswesen, JOCM, JTLU, Strasse und Verkehr, Transportation, V+T
Statistik IVT-Website
vom 10.-15. August 2003 in Luzern
John E. Abraham, University of Calgary und John Douglas Hunt, University of Calgary
Vortrag: Dynamic submodel integration using an offer-accept discrete event simulation
Thomas Adler, Resource Systems Group, Inc. / Laurie Wargelin, MORPACE, International / Lidia P. Kostyniuk, University of Michigan / Chris Kavalec, California Energy Commission / Gary Occhuizzo, California Energy Commission
Vortrag: Incentives for Alternate Fuel Vehicles: A Large-Scale Stated Preference Experiment
Elizabeth Ampt, Steer Davies Gleave, Australia
Vortrag: Voluntary Household Travel Behaviour Change – Theory and Practice
T.A. Arentze and H.J.P. Timmermans, Eindhoven University of Technology
Vortrag: Representing Mental Maps and Cognitive Learning in Micro-Simulation Models of Activity-Travel Choice Dynamics
Jimmy Armoogum, Zoran Krakutovski und Jean-Loup Madre (INRETS – DEST)
Vortrag: Long term trend of travel time budgets related to demographic factors: A comparative casestudy between 3 French large conurbations: Paris - Lyon – Lille
Olu Ashiru, John W. Polak und Robert B. Noland (Imperial College London)
Vortrag: The Utility of Schedules: A Model of Departure Time and Activity Time Allocation
Erel Avineri, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology und Joseph N. Prashker, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Vortrag: The Impact of Travel Time Information on Travellers' Learning under Uncertainty
Fabian Bastin, Cinzia Cirillo und Philippe L. Toint (University of Namur)
Vortrag: Numerical Experiments with AMLET, a New Monte-Carlo Algorithm for Estimating Mixed Logit Models
John Bates
Vortrag: Economic Evaluation and Transport Modelling: Theory and Practice
Chandra R. Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin, Dept of Civil Engineering
Vortrag: Econometric Choice Formulations: Alternative Model Structures, Estimation Techniques, and Emerging Directions
Chandra R. Bhat and Jessica Guo
Vortrag: A Mixed Spatially Correlated Logit Model: Formulation and Application to Residential Choice Modeling
Michel Bierlaire, Gianluca Antonini und Mats Weber (Swiss Institute of Technology, Lausanne, EPFL)
Vortrag: Behavioral dynamics for pedestrians
Piet H.L. Bovy, Rogier Uges und Sascha Hoogendoorn (Lanser, Delft University of Technology)
Vortrag: Modeling Route Choice Behavior in Multimodal Transport Networks
Werner Brög, Socialdata Munich / Erhard Erl, Socialdata Munich / Gerd Sammer, Universität für Bodenkultur Vienna / Brian Schulze, Socialdata Munich
Vortrag: DATELINE – Design and Application of a Travel Survey for Long-distance Trips Based on an International Network of Expertise – Concept and Methodology
David Brownstone and Kenneth A. Small (University of California at Irvine)
Vortrag: Valuing Time and Reliability: Assessing the Evidence from Road Pricing Demonstrations
Robert Chapleau (Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal)
Vortrag: Visualisation of the Urban Transportation Reality: Some Key Views
David Charypar und Kai Nagel (Dept. of Computer Science, ETH Zurich)
Vortrag: Generating Complete All-Day Activity Plans with Genetic Algorithms
Elisabetta Cherchi, Università di Cagliari und Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Universidad Católica de Chile
Vortrag: Alternative Specific Variables in Non-linear Utilities: Influence of Correlation, Homoscedasticity and Taste Variations
Kelly J. Clifton, University Of Maryland
Vortrag: Examining Travel Choices of Low-Income Populations: Issues, Methods, and New Approaches
Gregory M. Coldren, Northwestern University & United Airlines und Frank S. Koppelman, Northwestern University
Vortrag: Modeling the Competition among Air Travel Itinerary Shares: GEV Model Development
Joyce Dargay und Mark Hanly, University College London / Jean-Loup Madre und Laurent Hivert, INRETS Paris / Bastian Chlond, University of Karlsruhe
Vortrag: Demotorisation seen through Panel Surveys: A Comparison of France, Britain and Germany
André de Palma, Cédric Fontan und Nathalie Picard (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Thema)
Vortrag: Departure time choice: estimation results and simulation to Paris area
Andre de Palma and Nathalie Picarde
Vortrag: Route choice decision under uncertainty
Sean T. Doherty, Wilfrid Laurier University
Vortrag: Should we abandon activity type analysis?
Xiaojing Dong und Frank S. Koppelman (Northwestern University)
Vortrag: Comparison of Methods Representing Heterogeneity in Logit Models
Dick Ettema, Utrecht University, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands / Guus Tamminga, Grontmij Traffic and Infrastructure, De Bilt, The Netherlands / Harry Timmermans, Theo Arentze, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Vortrag: A micro-simulation model system of departure time and route choice under travel timeuncertainty
M. A. Figliozzi, University of Maryland / H. S. Mahmassani, University of Maryland / P. Jaillet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vortrag: Modeling Carrier Behavior in Sequential Auction Transportation Markets
Stella Fiorenzo-Catalano, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser und Rob van Nes (Delft University of Technology)
Vortrag: Choice set composition modelling in multi-modal travelling
Robert Follmer, infas / Uwe Kunert, DIW Berlin
Vortrag: Methodological Advances in National Travel Surveys: Mobility in Germany 2002
René L. Frey, University of Basel, Switzerland
Vortrag: Swiss Transport Policy: Mobility vs. Sustainability
Markus Friedrich, Thomas Haupt und Klaus Nökel (PTV AG, Karlsruhe)
Vortrag: Freight Modelling: Data Issues, Survey Methods, Demand and Network Models
Satoshi Fujii, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ayako Taniguchi, Hokkaido Development Engineering Center
Vortrag: Reducing Family Car Use by Providing Travel Advice or by Requesting Behavioral Plans: An Experimental Analysis of Travel Feedback Programs
Rodrigo A. Garrido, Department of Transport Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Vortrag: Estimation Performance of Low Discrepancy Sequences in Stated Preferences
Konrad GÖtz, Institute for Social-Ecological Research / Willi Loose, Öko-Institut e.V. Freiburg / Martin Schmied, Öko-Institut e.V. Berlin / Stephanie Schubert, Institute for Social-Ecological Research
Vortrag: Mobility Styles in Leisure Time
Thomas F. Golob and Amelia C. Regan (University of California, Irvine)
Vortrag: Surveying and Modelling Trucking Industry Perceptions, Preferences and Behaviour
K. G. Goulias, The Pennsylvania State University / N. Kilgren, the Puget Sound Regional Council / T. Kim, The Pennsylvania State University
Vortrag: A decade of longitudinal travel behavior observation in the Puget Sound region: sample composition, summary statistics, and a selection of first order findings
M.S. Grieco, Professor of Transport and Society, Napier University, Edinburgh
Vortrag: Transport and social exclusion: New policy grounds, new policy options
Ueli Haefeli, Interface Policy Studies, Lucerne / Heidi Hofmann, University of Bern, IKAÖ / Eugen Meier, Rapp Trans AG, Basle / Gianni Moreni, Rapp Trans AG, Zurich / Urs Schwegler, Büro für Verkehrsplanung, Buomberg
Vortrag: Changes in the mobility pattern of households due to the introduction of electric vehicles
Susan Handy, University of California Davis / Lisa Weston, University of Texas at Austin / Patricia Mokhtarian, University of California Davis
Vortrag: Driving by Choice or Necessity?
David A. Hensher, Institute of Transport Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, The University of Sydney
Vortrag: Models of Organisational and Agency Choices for Passenger and Freight-Related Travel Choices: Notions of Inter-Activity and Influence
Georg Hertkorn / Matthias Kracht / Peter Wagner (German Aerospace Centre)
Vortrag: Travel Demand Modelling Based on Time Use Data
Corinna Heye / Sabine Timpf (University of Zurich)
Vortrag: Factors influencing the physical complexity of routes in public transportation networks
Reinhard Hössinger and Gerd Sammer, Institute for Transport Studies, University Bodenkultur Vienna
Vortrag: Explaining attitudes and supporting changes of attitudes towards transport policy decisions of stakeholders
Hai-Jun Huang, Beijing Univ. of Aeronautics & Astronautics and The Chinese Academy of Sciences / William H K Lam, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University / K S Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Vortrag: Modelling Commuter Behaviour in Networks with ATIS for Combined Activity/Destination/Route Choice Problem
Lars Hultkrantz, Örebro University / Gunnar Lindberg, VTI
Vortrag: Intelligent Economic Speed Adaptation
John Douglas Hunt / Kevin J. Stefan / John E. Abraham (University of Calgary)
Vortrag: Modelling Retail and Service Delivery Commercial Movement Choice Behaviour in Calgary
Cecilia Jakobsson, Göteborg University
Vortrag: Household planning of car use: implementation of prospective car logs
Sergio R. Jara-Díaz / Reinaldo Guerra (Universidad de Chile)
Vortrag: Modeling activity duration and travel choice from a common microeconomic framework
Mei-Lan Jiang / Takayuki Morikawa (Nagoya University)
Vortrag: Variations of Value of Travel Time Savings
Chang-Hyeon Joh, Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Vortrag: Estimating non-linear utility functions of time use in the context of an activity schedule adaptation model
Peter Jones und Lynn Sloman (University of Westminster)
Vortrag: Encouraging Behavioural Change Through Marketing and Management: What can be achieved?
N. Kalouptsidis, University of Athens / V. Psaraki, National Technical University of Athens
Vortrag: Selection Distributions and Deterministic Reduction of Generalized Random Utility Models
Charles A Karl and Dr Neil Béchervaise (Swinburne University of Technology)
Vortrag: The Driver as an Active Learner: Customising Real Time Traveller Information
Kara M. Kockelman, Clare Boothe Luce Professor of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Vortrag: Credit-Based Congestion Pricing: A Policy Proposal and the Public's Response
Stephan Krygsman, Utrecht University / Theo Arentze & Harry Timmermans, Eindhoven University of Technology
Vortrag: Capturing interdependencies in tour mode and activity choice: a co-evolutionary logit modelling approach
Martin Lanzendorf, Urban Research centre Utrecht, Utrecht University
Vortrag: Mobility biographies. A new perspective for understanding travel behaviour
Jörg Last and Wilko Manz (Institute for Transport Studies, Universität Karlsruhe - TH)
Vortrag: Unselected mode alternatives: What drives modal choice in long-distance passenger transport?
Back Jin Lee, Akimasa Fujiwara, Junyi Zhang, Yoriyasu Sugie (Hiroshima University)
Vortrag: Analysis of Mode Choice Behaviours based on Latent Class Models
David Levinson, University of Minnesota, Department of Civil Engineering / Kathleen Harder, University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Lands cape Architecture / John Bloomfield, University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture / Kasia Winiarczyk, University of Minnesota, Department of Civil Engineering
Vortrag: Weighting Waiting: Evaluating the Perception of In-Vehicle Travel Time Under Moving and Stopped Conditions
David Levinson, University of Minnesota / Yao Wu, University of Minnesota / Peter Rafferty, SEH Inc.
Vortrag: The Rational Locator Reexamined: Are Travel Times Still Stable?
Lindveld, Ch.D.R., Delft University of Technology
Vortrag: Simultaneous choice of shipclass and route in a dynamic network equilibrium framework
Rongfang (Rachel) Liu and Guilin Li (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Vortrag: Dynamic Travel Behavior Analyses Based on Stochastic Decision-Making Styles
Peter Loukopoulos, Göteborg University / Cecilia Jakobsson, Göteborg University / Tommy Gärling, Göteborg University / Claudia M. Schneider, Free University of Berlin / Satoshi Fujii, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Vortrag: Car-User Responses to Travel Demand Management Measures: Goal Intentions and Choice of Adaptation Alternatives
Glenn Lyons and Susan Kenyon (University of the West of England)
Vortrag: Social Participation, Personal Travel and Internet Use
J.-L. Madre / K.W. Axhausen / M.-O- Gascon
Vortrag: Immobility: A microdata analysis
Fabrice Marchal, CoLab ETH Zurich
Vortrag: Integration of time of usage in large-scale simulations
Francisco Martínez and Rodrigo Henríquez (Universidad de Chile)
Vortrag: A Stochastic Land Use Equilibrium Model
Talia M. McCray & Martin E.H. Lee-Gosselin, Université Laval, Quebec City / Mei-Po Kwan, The Ohio State University
Vortrag: Netting action and activity space/time: are our methods keeping pace with evolving behaviour patterns?
Eric J. Miller, Matthew J. Roorda, Juan Antonio Carrasco (University of Toronto)
Vortrag: A Tour-Based Model of Travel Mode Choice
Harvey J. Miller, Department of Geography, University of Uta
Vortrag: Travel Chances and Social Exclusion
Abolfazl Mohammadian, University of Illinois at Chicago / Pavlos S. Kanaroglou, McMaster University
Vortrag: Applications of Spatial Multinomial Logit Model to Transportation Planning
Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California / Ilan Salomon, School of Public Policy and Department of Geography, Hebrew University, Jerusalem / Susan L. Handy, Department of Environmental Science and Policy and Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis
Vortrag: The Impacts of ICT on Leisure Activities and Travel: A Conceptual Exploration
Kai Nagel and Fabrice Marchal (ETH Zurich)
Vortrag: Computational methods for multi-agent simulations of travel behavior
Otto Anker Nielsen, Centre for Traffic and Transport, Technical University of Denmark / Goran Jovicic, Danish Transport Research Institute
Vortrag: The AKTA road pricing experiment in Copenhagen
Doina Olaru, CSIRO Australia / Brett Smith, University of Western Australia
Vortrag: Modelling daily activity schedules with fuzzy logic
Maren L. Outwater, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. / Steve Castleberry, San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority / Yoram Shiftan, Technion Moshe Ben-Akiva, MIT / Yu Shuang Zhou, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. / Arun Kuppam, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Vortrag: Use of Structural Equation Modeling for an Attitudinal Market Segmentation Approach to Mode Choice and Ridership Forecasting
Srinivas Peeta, Purdue University / Terry Friesz, George Mason University / Pengcheng Zhang, Purdue University
Vortrag: Dynamic Game Theoretic Model of Multi-Layer Infrastructure Networks
Guido Rindsfüser, RWTH Aachen / Heike Mühlhans, RWTH Aachen / Sean T. Doherty, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario / Klaus J. Beckmann, RWTH Aachen
Vortrag: Tracing the planning and execution of activities and their attributes - Design and application of a hand-held scheduling process survey
Paul Salvini and Eric J. Miller (University of Toronto)
Vortrag: ILUTE: An Operational Prototype of a Comprehensive Microsimulation Model of Urban Systems
Kuniaki Sasaki and Kazuo Nishii (Institute of Material and Environmental Technology, University of Yamanashi, Takeda, Kofu, Japan)
Vortrag: Development of a choice model in consideration of the contingent factor of SP data - Contextual influences and the cognitive boundaries of attributes
Robert Schlich, IVT, ETH Zürich
Vortrag: Homogenous groups of travellers
Stefan Schönfelder, Institute of Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zürich
Vortrag: Between routines and variety seeking: The characteristics of locational choice in daily travel
Metin Senbil and Ryuichi Kitamura (Kyoto University)
Vortrag: Simultaneous Relationships Between Telecommunications and Activities
Yoram Shiftan, Technion / Moshe Ben-Akiva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Kimon Proussaloglou, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. / Gerard de Jong, Rand Europe / Yasasvi Popuri, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. / Krishnan Kasturirangan, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. / Shlomo Bekhor, Technion
Vortrag: Activity-Based Modeling as a Tool for Better Understanding Travel Behaviour
Jiongjiong Song and Amelia Regan (University of California, Irvine)
Vortrag: Combinatorial Auctions for Trucking Service Procurement: An Examination of Carrier Bidding Policies
Peter R. Stopher, Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Sydney, Australia / Chester G. Wilmot, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA / Cheryl Stecher, The Franklin Hill Group, Santa Monica, CA, USA / Rahaf Alsnih, Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Sydney, Australia
Vortrag: Standards for Household Travel Surveys - Some Proposed Ideas
Mart Tacken, DUT / Isto Ruoppila, Univ. Jyväskylä / Fiorella Marcellini, INRCA / Zsuzsa Szémann, H.A.S. / Heidrun Mollenkopf, DFZA
Vortrag: Temporal Aspects of the Out-Of-Home Activities of Elderly People. The international MOBILATE survey: Enhancing mobility in later life
Harry Timmermans, Eindhoven University of Technology
Vortrag: The Saga of Integrated Land Use-Transport Modeling: How Many More Dreams Before We Wake Up?
Peter Vovsha, Eric Petersen and Robert Donnelly (PB Consult / Parsons Brinckerhoff)
Vortrag: Experience, Tendencies, and New Dimensions in the Application of Activity-based Demand Modelling Systems for Metropolitan Planning Organizations in the United States
Peter van der Waerden, Harry Timmermans and Aloys Borgers (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Vortrag: The Influence of Key Events and Critical Incidents on Transport Mode Choice Switching Behaviour: A Descriptive Analysis
Joan Walker, Moshe Ben-Akiva and Denis Bolduc
Vortrag: Identification of the Logit Kernel (or Mixed Logit) Model
Min Xu, Michael A P Taylor and Steve Hamnett (Transport Systems Centre University of South Australia)
Vortrag: A microsimulation model of travel behaviour for use in urban transport corridor analysis
Enjian Yao and Takayuki Morikawa
Vortrag: A Study on Integrated Intercity Travel Demand Model
Johanna Zmud, NuStats / Jean Wolf, GeoStats
Vortrag: Identifying the Correlates of Trip Misreporting - Results from the California Statewide Household Travel Survey GPS Study
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