Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme, ETH Zürich
Deutsch English

NetCap: Intermodal capacity of links, segments, and networks


ETH Zürich
P. Bösch
Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)
HIL F 36.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Tel: +41 44 633 39 52




Swiss Traffic Engineers and Traffic Experts Association (SVI)


Dr. M. Menendez, M. Jakob and P. Bösch


H. Kaul (RK&P)
Prof. Dr. K.W. Axhausen
Dr. F. Ciari
N. Gerolliminis


The objective of this research is to propose a unified methodology to evaluate the aggregated capacity of multimodal networks. To that end, a methodology to estimate a macroscopic fundamental diagram and network capacity of cities with multiple modes will be developed. The analysis will be based on realistic macroscopic models of congestion dynamics so it can be implemented with readily available data. It will use models consistent with the physics of traffic in Switzerland, and present pragmatic applications, i.e., an example using the inner city of Zürich. For such example we will use two different well established simulation software: VISSIM and MATSim.


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